Christian addiction support groups in Liverpool

Crossroads discussion group – Mondays 5-6 pm @ Speke Baptist Church (Noahs Ark Center, 50 Ganworth Rd, Speke, Liverpool, L24 2SA)

Road to Recovery group – Tuesdays 6.30 for tea & coffee, Meeting 7-8.30 pm @ Trinity Church Everton (BNENC Community Centre, Breckfield Rd North, L5 4QT). In person or online run in partnership with Hope for Addiction UK

Who are these groups for?

These groups are available for anyone to come to no matter what their addiction (Although for those struggling with sexual sin it may be better suited for them to be in a single sex group specifically for this due to the sensitivity of this struggle).

Additional addiction support

We are currently running a bimonthly Friday social evening with food included and short talk focused on addiction related issues. 

We also run other groups for those further along in the recovery process who are abstinent and have been attending our Road to Recovery groups for a period of time.  

Information for Church leaders

I’m also happy to meet up with Church leaders to discuss more about the ministry, someone in your church or community struggling with addiction or how to start an addictions group at your church. 

We can provide additional support either practically or pastorally to those who attend our addiction support groups to compliment the wider support that will be provided by the local church. 

If you would like more information on any of the addiction support we provide please contact David on 0151 260 3464 or email

More info on our Facebook page