“the 3 o’clock club”

BNENC Gym Breckfield Centre, Breckfield Pl, Liverpool, United Kingdom

Things to make and take home, games & fun! (under 12's must be accompanied by an adult). Contact Grace for more information.

“the 3 o’clock club”

BNENC Gym Breckfield Centre, Breckfield Pl, Liverpool, United Kingdom

Things to make and take home, games & fun! (under 12's must be accompanied by an adult). Contact Grace for more information.

“the 3 o’clock club”

BNENC Gym Breckfield Centre, Breckfield Pl, Liverpool, United Kingdom

Things to make and take home, games & fun! (under 12's must be accompanied by an adult). Contact Grace for more information.

Trinity Tots starts

BNENC Gym Breckfield Centre, Breckfield Pl, Liverpool, United Kingdom

A stay and play group for 0-4's, £1 per family. Contact Grace on 0151 2603463

“the 3 o’clock club”

BNENC Gym Breckfield Centre, Breckfield Pl, Liverpool, United Kingdom

Fun for all the family. Private adventure! fun, games & things to make! A free event. Under 12's must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Grace on 0151 260 3464 to book a place

Cake Club

Homebaked 197 Oakfield Rd, Liverpool, United Kingdom

Bake a cake and share it with others. Contact Grace on 0151 260 3463 for more information.

Cake club

Homebaked 197 Oakfield Rd, Liverpool, United Kingdom

Bake a cake and share it with others. Contact Grace on 0151 260 3463 for more information.

“the 3 o’clock club”

BNENC Gym Breckfield Centre, Breckfield Pl, Liverpool, United Kingdom

Fun for all the family. Private adventure! fun, games & things to make! A free event. Under 12's must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Grace on 0151 260 3464 to book a place

“the 3 o’clock club”

BNENC Gym Breckfield Centre, Breckfield Pl, Liverpool, United Kingdom

Fun for all the family. Private adventure! fun, games & things to make! A free event. Under 12's must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Grace on 0151 260 3464 to book a place